SlapFive announces their Customer Voice program 6 years ago

SlapFive announces their Customer Voice program

TGIF!  We are rolling into a heat wave here in Boston this weekend but there is even hotter news to report from the SlapFive front.  Today we officially rolled out and formalized our very own Customer Voice Program, SlapFive RockStar.

We have partnered with our customer base to build a group where they will get the opportunity to share knowledge, experiences, and advice with their peers along with being recognized as thought leaders in the industry.  Thought leaders in the industry of customer marketing and advocacy but also within their own industries.

Our SlapFive RockStars will be showcasing the innovative things they are doing with customer voice.  They will truly be the definition of a rock star in the Customer Voice community throughout their journey with us in the program.

Ready to take the plunge into a new way of doing customer voice? Check us out and reach out to schedule a strategy session.  Learn more about SlapFive.

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