Kim Plank - SlapFive RockStar Award Winner - September 2019 5 years ago

Kim Plank – SlapFive RockStar Award Winner – September 2019

Today I am pleased to announce our FIRST RockStar Award recipient.  Kim Plank, Customer Success Marketing Manager at Acumatica! Kim has been a SlapFive customer since 2018 and she encompasses a RockStar customer to the fullest.  One key driver to her success as a customer marketer and using customer voice is that Kim follows our recommended pillars of success which in turn helps her be successful within her day to day role.  

Being a SlapFive Customer allows you the benefit to participate and join our very own Customer Voice Program, SlapFive RockStar.  Kim is one of the first members and qualified to receive our first ever RockStar award. We acknowledge this RockStar as being an innovator in the customer marketing field, has cool and interesting use cases for SlapFive boards and widgets, participated on a panel webinar, and socializes customer voice and SlapFive internally to continue to grow the program with their organization.  

Kim uses a phrase “infuse customer voice everywhere”, and she does just that.  She takes customer success stories and puts them into blogs, newsletters, and widgets on the website.  Slices and dices up the video content and assets in all ways possible. She does not let one bit of customer voice go to waste.  She talks about her process and her “infuse customer voice” mentality in our latest VoiceX Customer Marketing Therapy Session webinar panel she was a part of.  Listen to the session here.

We truly value Kim’s partnership with SlapFive and are eager to see the relationship grow within Acumatica to help them with reference burnout, celebrating sales big wins, and continued customer success stories.  Learn more about Why Customer Voice and how it has made Kim’s life easier by viewing her SlapFive Customer Success board here.

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