Customer Advisory Boards

Target potential Customer Advisory Board members and recruit them into your program, communicate with them and track their response, and monitor their progress through your CAB pipeline stages. Engage CAB members between meetings to add more value for them and your company. Foster networking between CAB members.

Source members for your Customer Advisory Board

  • Create a Campaign and Stages for your CAB member recruiting process.
  • Add targeted CAB members to the CAB Recruiting campaign.
  • Communicate with those customers and track their responses.
  • Manage their progress through your CAB member recruiting process.

Customer Advisory Board - recruit members
Generate great content from your CAB meetings

Turn CAB discussions into great customer content

  • Record presentations and turn them into reusable customer content assets.
  • Share the insights captured in CAB meetings with other customers who could benefit.
  • Use the CAB insights in your marketing and sales activities to demonstrate thought leadership.

Engage CAB members outside of your in-person meetings

  • Give members opportunities to provide their insights and input at any time during the year.
  • Share insights provided by members with the rest of the CAB.
  • Have CAB members comment on each other’s perspectives.

Engage CAB members outside of your in-person meetings
Make it easy for CAB members to network with each other

Make it easy for CAB members to network with each other

  • Provide a CAB Member Directory where each member introduces themselves.
  • Let each CAB member indicate how they would like other members to contact them.
  • Match CAB members with common interests so they can communicate directly.
