Urgency Creator

Urgency Creator

Keep deals from stalling. Now you can have your customers create urgency with your buyers

Go From:

  • Deals stall because the problem you solve is not a priority
  • Buyers are unaware of the risks they face by inaction
  • Your marketing messages just don’t spur buyers to action
  • Your sales reps fail to close forecasted deals

Go To:

  • Your customers explain why it was so urgent for them
  • Your customers give advice on the dangers of not doing anything
  • Customer-generated content adds punch to your marketing messages
  • Sales reps keep deals from stalling in the first place

It’s time to unleash your customer voice to create urgency with your buyer

We’ve all been there. A marketing qualified lead passed to sales, the buyer has great conversations with your sales rep and displays all the buying signs, he loves the demo and asks about pricing. And then he goes dark. Repeated phone calls and emails are ignored. When you finally reach the buyer, he has too many other priorities on his plate to take this on, even though you know your solution will streamline his current priorities. So frustrating!!.

Your best customers bought from despite all the other priorities on their plate. They justified the decision to take action now. There’s nothing your drip marketing messages or your sales reps can say that will shift that prospect’s priorities, but you customers can. Have them talk about why this problem bubbled to the top of their priority list and why they couldn’t live another day without solving it. Have them talk about how the world would have ended had they not taken action when they did.

Carbon Black has its security officer customers talk about the risks they were still exposed to when they were using traditional anti-virus software, instilling fear in the viewer.
