Buyer's Guide

Buyer’s Guide

Let your customers give their advice on how and why to buy a solution like yours.

Go From:

  • Buyers don’t know how to evaluate and compare solutions you offer
  • Competitors get in first and shape the buyer’s criteria
  • You write a buyer’s guide, but buyers know that it’s biased
  • Your sales reps struggle to set the right mindset with buyer

Go To:

  • Your customers advise buyers on how to evaluate and compare
  • Your buyers learn what criteria their peers used
  • Buyers trust the advice and experience of their peers
  • Sales reps let your customers to set the right mindset with buyer

It’s time to give up trying to influence what criteria your buyers use, they don't trust you

You’ve tried for years to use your marketing messages and sales reps to try to convince your buyers that they should put the most weight in the features and benefits that you do well. The problem is they know your company doesn’t give objective advice on how to buy. So no matter how sophisticated the Buyer’s Guide PDF is that you wrote, it doesn’t work.

Your customers went through a buying process that obviously resulted in them selecting you. Let them share their advice. Let them talk about the process they used. Let them describe their decision criteria. Your buyers will eat it up, AND come away with a more favorable impression of your fit.

The Customer Marketing Software Platform

Several SiriusDecisions customers talk about how they evaluated analyst firms, and what criteria they used to compare them and come to the conclusion they needed to work with SiriusDecisions
