Release Notes

Release Notes

February 2025

  • API:
    • You can now append GET URLs with the parameter ?since=2025-01-01 to get records that have been updated since January 1, 2025, or whatever date you insert. This parameter is enabled for these objects: Activities, Boards, Companies, Members, Page Views, Requests, Request Fulfillment Companies/Members, Request Fulfillment Boards, Shares, and Stories.
    • You can now include pagination in your GET requests by including “limit” and “offset” as URL parameters or in the request body.
  • Usability: On any advanced filter tray, you can now click the down arrow at the top of an open container to close that container.

January 2025

  • Search:
    • On the Members tab, you can now search on an email address.
    • You can now search the contents of on any Long Text Dynamic Field defined for the object on which you are searching.
  • Roles & Permissions:
    • You can now change the name of a Role. You may need to do this to make it match the Role or Group that Users are assigned to in your SSO platform.
    • You can now grant Admin Menu permissions to any Role. You may need to do this if you change the name of your Admin Role to use the SSO-assigned Role or Group name. This permission defaults to FALSE for any new Role you create.
  • Automations:
    • When you update a Company’s Active Status or Program Status, update all of its Members with the same Status values.
    • Set the Activity Type Willing to Do for a Member when that Member first peforms that Activity.
    • When a Campaign Item in a Campaign for tracking customer content creation gets flagged as Completed, create a new Story and Activity History record for the Member.
  • Usability:
    • The main menu tray on the left margin remembers whether you last had it open or closed. So you can open the menu tray, and then when you log off and log back in, the menu tray will still be open.

December 2024

  • Role-Based Permissions:
    • When you invite people from other teams like Demand Gen and Customer Success to use SlapFive, you can now configure which functions and data they should see using Role-Based Permissions. See the Configure Role-Based Permissions docs page for more information on how to use this big new feature.
  • SlapFive Salesforce App:
    • You can now configure which Request Dynamic Fields appear on the Create Request screen in Salesforce. This allows you to manage internal-only Dynamic Fields for tracking and reporting without having those fields confuse your requesters.
    • The Create Request screen has been modified to reduce empty space and make the Submit button more obvious.
  • Customer Referral processing:
    • You can now capture Customer Referrals through forms in any system, track their progress using SlapFive Campaigns, Salesforce Leads and Opportunities, and Marketing Automation Leads, recognize revenue influence, and deliver appreciation gifts to reference customers.
  •  Integrations & Automations:
    • You can now integrate with Wrike, to have forms completed in Write create Requests in SlapFive.
    • When a Company’s Program or Active Status are changed, you can have SlapFive automatically apply the same changes to Members in that Company.
  • Campaigns:
    • You can now scroll horizontally when managing rows of your Campaign to see all columns.
    • You can truncate lengthy text fields so they don’t take up too much vertical space.
  • Members:
    • The Export Members function now exports each Member’s Activity Types Willing to Do.

November 2024

  • Salesforce integration:
    • When a Salesforce User creates a reference request, you can automatically include any attributes from the Opportunity on the Request without requiring the Salesforce User to enter them. Our clients typically include the Opportunity Stage and Opportunity Amount.
  • Gradual Community integration:
    • When a Gradual User creates their Profile, you can use their Email to look up their Salesforce Contact, if Contact is found get any additional fields, otherwise just use the Gradual fields to create/update their Member and Company records in SlapFive.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO):
    • IdP-provided Role support: When a user is assigned to a Group or Role in your SSO platform, that Group or Role is now used to assign that User to the right Role in SlapFive.
    • In addition to Okta and Azure AD, SlapFive now supports SSO with Cloudflare and JumpCloud.

October 2024

  • SlapFive Salesforce App Version 4.0:
    • When a Salesforce user creates a reference request, that user can now see and select from lists of recommended Companies and Members. The recommendations match up to 5 fields from the Salesforce Opportunity and Account records to corresponding fields of your choice on the SlapFive Company records. See more details in Recommend the best reference customers for a Request.
  • Request Assigned To Users: Now that you can assign a Request to multiple Users, these additional changes were made:
    • Send a notification to any User that is added as an Assigned To User for the first time.
    • The Assigned To fields on the Request and the Fulfillment Company/Member rows only shows those Users that have the “Allow Request Assignment” Permission checked on their User record.
    • Browser Auto-fill has been blocked for the Assigned To User fields to prevent the entry of an invalid User record.
  • Story Search:
    • On the Stories tab, when you do a free text search, it no longer searches all the Member and Company fields other than Names. This change was made based on user feedback that it was confusing to do a search and see so many Stories returned that didn’t contain the search string.
  • Campaigns:
    • A free-text search has been added to allow the user to search any of the columns of the Campaign.

September 2024

  • Requests:
    • On the Submit Request form, there are checkboxes you can turn on to allow Requesters to select the Members and/or the Companies they are requesting.
    • You can now assign a Request to multiple Users.
    • When you enter criteria in the Search or Advanced Filter, it remembers those criteria so you can work multiple items in the filtered list.
  • Dynamic Fields: You can now sort the picklist values for PICKONE and PICKMANY dynamic fields.
  • Members: You can now add phone numbers with these country codes:
    • HK: Hong Kong
    • MY: Malasia
    • ID: Indonesia
    • KR: The Republic of Korea (South Korea)
    • PH: Philippines
    • TH: Thailand
    • TW: Taiwan
    • VN: Vietnam

August 2024

  • API:
    • You can now update Company Permissions to Granted, Unknown, or Denied in automated workflows using the API.
    • You can now use Dynamic Field picklist values that contain commas in automated workflows. For example, a value can be “1,000 – 5,000 Employees”.
    • Endpoints have been added for GET and POST Campaigns and Campaign Items.
    • Webhooks have been added that are triggered when a Campaign or Campaign Item is created or updated.
    • The Fulfillment Member webhook now returns the Need and For This Prospect or Purpose fields in the payload.
    • The POST Activities endpoint now lets you update an existing Activity History record by ID.
  • Dynamic Fields now support having commas in picklist values.

July 2024

  • Gong integration: You can now have a call that was recorded in Gong listen for keywords or thoughts and update SlapFive. For example, you can create a Nominated Member for a customer who expresses interest in advocacy or advocacy programs.
  • Automated Workflows and API:
    • You can now have automated workflows that add or update Campaign Items.
    • Automated workflows can now be triggered by a Member passing a specified threshold in their Engagement Score overall, or for a specific Activity Type.

June 2024

  • Advocate Job Change Tracker: SlapFive released a new product that empowers you to track your Members for job changes in LinkedIn. When a Member’s LinkedIn Title or LinkedIn Company URL changes, you get notified, the Member is added to the Job Change Tracker Campaign, and you can communicate with them to get them to bring you into their new company. You can also use this to help CSMs ensure you have a new champion at the Member’s prior account, and you can audit content contributed by that Member to decide whether too keep it, adjust it, or retire it.
  •  Campaigns:
    • You can now send Prompts to Members who are in any column of a Campaign. This can be used to get their buy-in for participating in an opportunity to engage with your company or perform an act of advocacy.
    • You can now send email messages to the Trusted Contacts for Members and Companies in any column of a Campaign. This can be used to get approval from the account owners to include their customer in the Campaign.
    • You can now make bulk updates to Campaign Items. You select multiple Items, click the Bulk Actions button, update any column field, and that update applies to all selected Items.
  • Automated Workflows and API:
    • Webhooks have been added for Campaigns and Campaign Items to support automated workflows that are triggered based on new or updated Campaign Items.

May 2024

  • Campaigns: On the Member Profile and Company Profile pages, you can now see which Campaigns that Member or that Company are a part of, and the Column Label they fall under in that Campaign.
  • Dynamic Fields: There are two new Dynamic Field Types for Company and Activity Type. These are both especially useful when defining Campaign columns. For example:
    • Activity Type: You create a Campaign to get Members to do a certain Activity. Rather than create a PICKONE Dynamic Field and re-create your Activity Types, you create a Dynamic Field on the Campaign Item entity of TYPE Activity Type so that when managing items in a Campaign, you can assign Activity Types to an item.
    • Company: You create a Campaign where you are tracking things only at a Company level, you now create a column using a Dynamic Field of TYPE Company.
  • The Company Advanced Filter now hides fields that have no data so that the user can get right to the most important fields.
  • Automated Workflows and API:
    • The POST Customer and POST Company endpoints have been enhanced to allow the option to either append to or replace the text that already exists in the Member and Company Engagement Notes fields.
    • The GET Customer, GET Company, and GET Request Fulfillment Member endpoints now retrieve the Trusted Contacts and Roles for the Member and Company.
    • Endpoints have been added to GET and POST to Campaigns and Campaign Items.

April 2024

  • Assign multiple Trusted Contacts to Members and Companies.
    • You can now select more than one User to be a Trusted Contact for a Member. Previously you were limited to one.
    • You can now select Users to be Trusted Contacts for a Company. This is a new field.
    • In the Trusted Contacts fields, when viewing Users, you can see the Role of each User. This means you can now distinguish between a Trusted Contact who is the CSM and one who is the AE.
  • The SlapFive Integration Server has a new Action to Create/Update Request Fulfillment Member/Company records. This enables more sophisticated trigger-based workflows to automatically update Fulfillment Members based on events happening outside of SlapFive.

March 2024

  • When using the Advanced Filter to subset the Campaign Items in a Campaign:
    • If you have a Member column, you can filter on any Member field, including Dynamic Fields.
    • If you have a Company column, you can filter on any Company field, including Dynamic Fields.
    • If you have a User column, you can filter on User.

February 2024

  • The Campaigns module has these new features:
    • You can add Dynamic Fields to the Campaign Items entity to track anything you want for each item in a Campaign.
    • You can change the order of the Columns in the list of Campaign Items.
    • You can sort on any Column.
    • You can bulk add Campaign Items to a Campaign. There is an Advanced Filter to narrow down the records to add, and a Select All box to add them all to the Campaign.
    • You can add hyperlinks to Text fields and they are clickable in the list view.
    • You can use the Advanced Filter to subset the Campaign Items in a Campaign.
  • User and Role management has these new features:
    • You can now add Users without sending them an invitation. This is used for situations where you want to flag Users for things like Trusted Contacts but don’t want to have them ever log in to SlapFive.
    • You can now add multiple Roles to a User. That User then has the superset of all permissions for the assigned Roles.
  • On the Requests tab, Fulfillment Members sub-tab:
    • You can now filter the list of Fulfillment Members by Date Range, which uses the Status Date of the Fulfillment Member to determine whether the record is within the range.
    • The Advanced Filter now lets you filter on any Fulfillment Member, Request, Company, and Member field.
  • Search on Engagement Notes:
    • In the Search box on the Members tab, you can search the contents of the Member and Company Engagement Notes fields.
    • In the Search box on the Companies tab, you can search the contents of the Compay Engagement Notes field.

January 2024

  • There is three new types of Dynamic Fields:
    • USER: This allows you to add a field to associate one or more Users with any object.
    • MEMBER: This allows you to add a field to associate a Member with any object.
    • MEMBER/COMPANY: This allows you to add a field to associate a Member & Company with any object.
  • Dynamic Fields of type LONG TEXT now allow entry and display of special characters like bullets, commas, and quotation marks.
  • SlapFive has developed an Influitive to SlapFive Comparison and Migration Guide, along with automated Migration Scripts to pull Influitive Advocate, Reference, Referral, and Activity data into SlapFive.
  • API changes:
    • The GET Customers (Members) API endpoint now retrieves the Created Date and Updated Date fields for use in conditional logic in reports and integration scripts.

December 2023

  • The user interface has been updated with more modern look and feel for buttons, hover help, and menu items.
  • The Search box now stays open after you’ve started using it so you can do multiple searches of the same list without having to open the Search box each time.

November 2023

  • SlapFive released a major new feature called Roles that allow you to invite more people from your company to take advantage of SlapFive, while restricting what they can view and edit. With Roles, you can:
    • Create a Role for each type of user, such as Product Marketing and Customer Success.
    • For each Role, define which SlapFive entities users in that Role can view or not, and which they can edit or not.
    • Assign all Users to a Role.
  • Dynamic Fields: You can now create Dynamic Fields for Campaigns and Campaign Items. Then when defining a Campaign, you can select which Dynamic Fields for Campaign Items you want to appear as columns in the list view.
  • For many of the most common Board Templates, you can now show Transcription Text for Audio and Video Stories.
  • On the Edit Member screen, you can now manage the Company Permissions.

October 2023

  • SlapFive released the first version of its new Campaigns product. With Campaigns, you can manage workflows for a variety of use cases such as:
    • Recruiting customers into your program
    • Tracking your content creation process
    • Sourcing for a Customer Advisory Board
    • Tracking Customer Interviews
    • Managing participants in customer campaigns
    • Get customers to write peer reviews
    • Managing proactive reputation-building plans for customers
    • Running a mentor program with mentors and mentees
  • You can now Preview a Board that is set to Require Access Links.

September 2023

  • There is a new SlapFive entity that appears on the primary navigation menu called Strategic Initiatives. We created this new feature to help you connect your content, requests, activities, and campaigns to your company’s most important strategic growth initiatives to showcase your value:
    • Users can define new Strategic Initiatives and give them color codes to use when tagging items with the Strategic Initiative.
    • Users can tag Boards, Stories, Assets, Prompts, Requests, Activities with one or more Strategic Initiatives.
    • On the Edit screen, users can see how many of each objects have been tagged with that Strategic Initiative.
  • There is a new Story Type for Image, and when creating a new Story of Type=Image, the user can upload any image to the Story.
  • On the list of Members, you can now click any Member’s Company name to bring up that company’s dashboard.
  • On the Member and Company dashboards, within the Pending Requests and Closed Requests columns, you can now click the Request # to be taken to the Edit/Fulfill screen for that Request.
  • You can now copy a Prompt Group and all of its settings and Prompts. You can do this using the “copy” icon on the Edit Prompt Group screen and by using the Duplicate menu item on the list of Prompt Groups.

August 2023

  • On the Content dashboard, you can now see graphs of the number of Stories by Type, by Permission, and by Source.
  • When fulfilling a Request, if another user has made a change to that Request since you opened it, you will get a warning message.
  • When creating a new Story, you can now create a Prompt on the fly if the Prompt you want to attach the Story to doesn’t already exist.
  • There is a new API endpoint for POST Fulfillment Companies & Members.
  • On the Companies tab, you can now sort the list of Companies by how many Members there are for that Company.

July 2023

  • You can now create a Dynamic Field of type = LONGTEXT. This causes the entry field to have a greater height and to have a stretch handle to make it easier to read the text entered or pasted into that field.
  • On the home page dashboard, sub-tabs have been added with additional charts and graphs for Membership, Content, Requests, and Engagement.
  • On the Member dashboard, you can now see all the Stories that have been contributed by or associated with that Member.
  • In the Asset Manager, when you open the Asset tray to view or edit Asset details:
    • You can view the original file name, and override that original file name with a Label that is more recognizable.
    • You can search on Labels.
    • Transcript text of audios and videos is no longer stored on audio or video Stories, it is only stored on the Asset created by that Story. On the Edit Story screen, you can view the Transcript text and click the pencil icon to open the Asset tray for that audio or video file.
    • You can edit the Transcript of a video or audio file. This allows you to make corrections to the auto-generated transcript.
    • You can add paragraph and line breaks to the Transcript to make it more readable when shown on Boards.
    • The Asset Advanced Filter now has fields for File Name, Label, Asset Type, and Tags.

June 2023

  • In the Asset Library, when viewing the details tray for an Asset, you can now see where that Asset is being used, and click to open the item that uses that Asset.
  • On the Stories list, you can now use the Search field to search for text contained in the contents of the underlying file for File type Stories.
  • When creating a Story, and a Member record doesn’t exist for the person you want associated with that Story, you can click the + button to add a new Member on the fly.

May 2023

  • Request Fulfillment Members List:
    • You can now view a list of all Fulfillment Members without first going into a Request.
    • You can use the Advanced Filter to narrow the list by any fields on the Request, Fulfillment Member, Member or Company.
    • You can hover over the Request Number to see the Request details.
    • You can click the Request Number to open the Fulfill Request screen.

April 2023

  • SlapFive Home Page Dashboard:
    • The dashboard has been redesigned to give more insights into your program.
    • On each page of the dashboard, you can toggle the legends and labels on and off.
    • Additional detailed dashboard pages are coming over the next several weeks.
  • Security:
    • SlapFive passed its annual SOC-2 Type 2 security audit and has a new letter from the auditors that is available upon request.
    • SlapFive passed its annual Penetration Test, and the tester document is available upon request.
  • Export any list:
    • You can press the new Export button on any list to export the data in the list to Excel.
    • You can use the Advanced Filter to subset the list, so that only the filtered data is exported.
  • API:
    • The SlapFive API has been enhanced to allow updates of any object by the ID.

March 2023

  • View Pending Requests and Closed Requests:
    • On the Fulfill Request screen, in the Select Customers to Request tray, if you click a Member or Company name to view their Profile tray, you now see lists of Pending Requests and Closed Requests.
    • On the Member and Company Profile pages, you now see lists of Pending Requests and Closed Requests.
    • Pending Request show all the instances where that Company or Member is listed as a Fulfillment Member/Company on Requests that are In Progress.
    • Completed Requests show all instances where that Company or Member is listed as a Fulfillment Member/Company on Requests that are Fulfilled or UnFulfilled.
  • Requests:
    • On the Fulfill Request screen, you can now see the Request Number at the top of the screen.
    • On the Companies tab of the Select Customers to Request tray, you can now click the Add button to add a new Company on the fly.
  • Embedded Integration:
    • The GET Members Action now retrieves the Trusted Contact’s Email Address, for use in subsequent workflow steps.
  • New Automations & Notifications:
    • Send notification when a Next Review Date arrives for a SlapFive Story.
    • Send notification when a Request has been In Progress for more than a threshold time period.
    • Send notification when a Request Fulfillment Company/Member Status is set to a specified value.

Febuary 2023

  • Instance Switching: SlapFive partners that work with multiple clients can now easily switch between client instances with one click.
  • SOC 2 Type 2: SlapFive is now SOC 2 Type 2 audited and certified.
  • On the Requests tab, new Requests now appear at the top of the New column.
  • Workflow Automations: The following automations have been added:
    • Notify the Assigned To User when the Fulfillment Status Date arrives on a Fulfillment Company and Member record.
    • Notify the Assigned To User when a Fulfillment Status Date hasn’t changed for a specified time period.
    • Notify users when the date arrives for a Dynamic Field on any object. Example: You have a Member Dynamic Field for Birthday, you can have a reminder sent 7 days before any Member’s birthday arrives.

January 2023

  • Embedded Integration: SlapFive has released a major new enhancement, which is an embedded integration service, with out-of-the-box integrations with Salesforce, Highspot, Seismic, Asana, and Google Forms.
  • A Stories webhook has been added to trigger integrations when a Story is created or updated.
  • Activities: Search and Advanced Filter features have been added to the Activities tab.
  • SSO: Single-Sign On with Okta is now fully supported.
  • Prompt Groups: in the email that is sent when you send a Prompt Group, the hard-coded text has been removed so you have better ability to personalize the message.
  • Requests: On the New Request Confirmation Email, the Need By Date has been formatted as YYYY/MM/DD.

December 2022

  • On the Requests tab:
    • There is now an Advanced Filter .
    • The Search field now searches the Request Notes and Fulfillment Member Notes fields.
  • For Pick One and Pick Many dynamic fields, the picklist values now show in alphabetical order.

November 2022

  • On the Create or Edit Member screen, the “Infinite Select” feature has been added to the Company Name field, so now you can start typing letters into the field, and the dropdown list will dynamically filter to only show Companies that contain the sequence of letters you have typed.
  • On the Edit Company screen, in the list of Members for that Company on the right, you can now click Add to add a new Member to that Company.
  • When sending a Prompt or a Prompt Group by email, you can now override the default call-to-action text of “Click here to respond.” in the email body.
  • When sharing a Board, if you specify a “Board Link Expires Date”, the email that gets sent includes a message with the expiration date and time, like this: This link will expire on 05/27/2023 at 10:35 PM.
  • In Client Settings , you can enter a Description for any Dynamic Field. If a Description is entered, you will now see an “i” icon at the end the field name when it appears on that entity’s Create or Edit screen, and you can hover over the icon to see the Description. This allows you to enter help text to remind yourself about what the field is used for or guidance on how it should be used.
  • In the Salesforce App, you can now control which Stories appear in the Stories tab in Salesforce. See the Docs site for instruction on how to activate this feature.

October 2022

  • When fulfilling a Request, after clicking the Select Companies/Members button to slide out the Select Customers to Request tray, you can click the Add button to add a Member on the fly, without having to leave the Request.
  • The Activities tab now contains a date range filter and advanced filter for narrowing down the Activities list.
  • On the Member Profile screen, you can now click the logo or name of the Member’s Company to bring you to that Company’s Profile page.
  • If you’re viewing a Member Profile or Company Profile screen and want to see more details or change details about the Member or Company, you can click the pencil icon to go to the corresponding Edit page, and when you Save or Cancel, it brings you back to the Profile screen.
  • You can now modify Templates so that when Boards are rendered, the viewer cannot download the audio or video file.
  • In Client Settings, you can now change the order of the Dynamic Fields for an entity, and those fields will then show in that order on the Edit screen for that entity.
  • In a Prompt or Prompt Group, you can now use highlighting in the Text Explanation field.

September 2022

  • For Request Management:
    • In Client Settings, you can now add, change, and remove the standard values for the Fulfillment Companies & Members Status field. You cannot change or remove the “Completed” value because this is used to create Activities.
    • On the Fulfill Request screen, you can now select your customized values for the Fulfillment Companies & Members Status field.
  • For Stories:
    • The Stories advanced filter now lets you filter on these fields: Tags, Language, Label, and Next Review Date.
    • The Stories Search now lets you search on these fields: Story Summary, Story Text, Transcript, Label.

August 2022

  • On the Request Fulfillment screen:
    • In the list of Fulfillment Companies and Members, if that record has a Note, the Note button is orange, and you can hover over it to see a tooltip with the text from the Note.

July 2022

  • SlapFive has passed the SOC-2 Type 1 Audit. The audit report is available upon request.
  • New Feature: Dynamic Fields
    • In Client Settings, you can add custom Dynamic Fields for Members, Companies, Prompts, Requests, and Stories.
    • Dynamic Fields can be: Text, Date, Pick One, or Pick Many
    • Each Dynamic Field can be set to be required or not.
    • The Edit screens for Members, Companies, Prompts, Requests, and Stories now allow entry of Dynamic Fields.
    • The Advanced Filters allow you to filter on Dynamic Fields.
  • On the Request Fulfillment screen:
    • You can now start request fulfillment by selecting a Company without selecting a Member.
    • You can now override the Activity Type, Need by Date, and Assigned To fields for each row in the list of Fulfillment Companies and Members.
    • You can add Notes to a row in the list of Fulfillment Companies and Members.
  • On the Requests tab, you can now search on Assigned To User to filter the list for a particular user.
  • In SlapFive Templates, there is now the ability for text stories to have Read More and Read Less buttons.
  • When Boards are shared with the Single Use field checked, each URL expires upon the first viewing of the board, which can be on any kind of device.
  • On the Companies tab, there are now sub-tabs for the different Program Status fields: All, Members, Invited, Nominated, Targeted, Rejected, Former Member.

June 2022

  • SlapFive Salesforce App:
    • When a Salesforce user submits a Reference Request from an Opportunity, that user can select one or more Contact Roles for that Opportunity to attach to the Request, to signify the people at the prospect site who are looking to talk with a reference customer.
    • When fulfilling a Request in SlapFive, the user can click the new Opportunity Details button in the upper right to show the Salesforce Contacts that were selected by the requester, and click a Contact name to view the Contact or Account records in Salesforce.
    • For Requests submitted from Salesforce, on the Fulfill Request screen, the SlapFive user can click the View Opportunity link above the Opportunity field to open that Opportunity in Salesforce.
    • For Members and Companies with Salesforce Contact IDs and Salesforce Company IDs, you can click the View Contact and View Account links above the respective ID fields.
  • When sending a Prompt or Prompt Group, we no longer show the entire list of Members for you to scroll through, instead we show an empty list so that you can do one or more Filters to select the segments of Members to whom you want to send the Prompt.
  • In the advanced filter for any lists, you can now multi-select values from the picklists.

May 2022

  • You can now tag a Story with the Language of the Story. You can specify a Default Language in Client Settings which will be used when creating a new Story.
  • On the Edit Member screen:
    • You can now enter and maintain a Join Date, to indicate the date that the Member actually joined your program. This can be different from the Create Date because you may have originally created the Member as a Target or as Nominated.
    • You can enter a Functional Role for the Member. This can be used to specify a functional area like “Sales”, “Finance”, or a functional level like “Executive”, “Senior Manager”.

April 2022

  • SlapFive Salesforce App v3.0:
    • Custom objects related to the Opportunity for SlapFive Customer Influence and SlapFive Customer Influence Activity. These are used to capture revenue influence events for that Opportunity for things like a customer taking a reference call, a reference request being fulfilled with content, a content asset shared and viewed by the recipient, or a customer referral.
    • Zapier Zaps that can be copied to populate these custom objects.
    • Many custom reports and a Revenue Influence Dashboard.
  • Enhanced integration with Highspot:
    • SlapFive now stores the Highspot ID after it posts a Board to Highspot, which then allows subsequent updates to that Board to update the item in Highspot.
    • The posting to Highspot is now triggered by a webhook so that the update is instant.
  • The SlapFive API now has webhooks to trigger events based on changes to any of the primary objects in SlapFive.
  • The confirmation email to a person who submits a Reference Request has been enhanced to provide more information.

March 2022

  • Requests Enhancements:
    • When fulfilling Requests and viewing Member Profiles, we now show the Company Permissions for the Member’s Company.
    • In User Settings, you can now specify whether a user’s name shows up in the Assigned To dropdown by checking the new “Allow Request Assignment” field for that user.
    • On the Fulfill Request screen, the Need, For, and Preferred Customers fields are now editable when the Request is in the InProgress, Fulfilled, and UnFulfilled columns.
    • When a Request is in the UnFulfilled column, you can now see any Fulfillment Members or Board that you attempted to use to fulfill the Request.
  • On the Boards and Prompts tabs, you can click the number in the Stories column to go to the list of those Stories. This is useful on the Prompts tab when you’re trying to consolidate Prompts so you can more easily display multiple Stories for the same Prompt on Boards.

February 2022

  • These new features help keep you from overusing the same customers for reference activities:
    • On the Edit Member screen, for any Activity Type Willing to Do, you can specify a Limit per Quarter to store the maximum number of times in a quarter that this Member is willing to do this Activity.
    • On the Fulfill Request screen, when you click the button to Select Fulfillment Members, there is a new column in the tray that shows an indicator next to any Member who has a limit specified for the Activity Type of the Request. The indicator is green if the customer is under their limit, yellow if using them on this request will cause them to reach their limit, or red if they are already over their limit.
    • You can hover over that visual indicator to see a tooltip that shows the Member’s Limit per quarter, the number of times the Member has Completed the Request’s Activity Type in the current quarter, and the number of Pending Requests in which the Member has been flagged as a Fulfillment Member to complete this same Activity in the current quarter.
    • On the Member Engagement Dashboard, for any Activity Types Willing to Do, you can now see any Limits the Member has given you for that Activity Type along with the number of times that Member has Completed that Activity in the current quarter.

January 2022

  • You can now upload an image to a Story, and render that image when that Story is displayed on a Board. This can be used for use cases such as having a Board that shows all open Opportunities for customers to engage with an image for each Opportunity.
  • For the SlapFive API:
    • There are new and improved endpoints for getting Members, Companies, Stories, Requests, and Activities that can be used as data sources for ad-hoc reporting using Google Data Studio.
    • The POST Customers endpoint can now be used to upload Member Custom Field values from your invitation form.

December 2021

  • On the Membership tab, the Members sub-tab now only shows contacts with a Membership Status of Member. There is a new tab called “All” that let’s you see all contacts regardless of Membership Status.

November 2021

  • On the Fulfill Request screen:
    • You can now “Send Request to Trusted Contact” for a Fulfillment Member. The Trusted Contact receives an email with a link that she can click to update the Status of the Fulfillment Member. This feature can be used to seek approval from the Customer Success Manager to use one of their customers as a reference, and let the CSM give their approval.
    • On the Fulfillment Members list, there is a new column named “Prompts Sent/Responses” under which you see the number of Prompts that have been sent to the Member to offer them the opportunity to participate in the reference activity, and the number of responses that Member has made to the Prompts. You can click the Prompts Sent/Responses button to see the details of the sent prompts and the responses.
  • On the Stories tab, the Search and the Advanced Filter have been enhanced as follows:
    • You can now search and filter on the Story Summary and Transcript fields.
    • On any of the filter fields where we show a drop-down of unique values, the number of occurrences of each unique value is shown in parenthesis.
  • The API endpoint to GET Member by MemberID now includes these fields: Activity Types Willing to Do, Topics of Interest, Type, Trusted Contact (name and email address), Active Status, Products Owned, Competitors Replaced, Business Goals/Use Cases.

October 2021

  • The Fulfill Request screen was redesigned to add mechanisms to:
    • Search, filter and select Members to become Fulfillment Members.
    • View any Member’s engagement dashboard.
    • Search, filter and select Boards to become Fulfillment Boards.
  • Remote Capture now allows a customer to upload a file from their device. This can be used to upload photos or images.
  • In Client Settings, there is a new field called JavaScript to Load on Board. Any JavaScript pasted here will be executed when any board is rendered. This is useful for running scrips like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Marketo Lead Scoring.
  • When a sales rep shares a Board with a prospect, the sales rep is Cc’d on the email that is sent to the prospect. This gives the sales rep confirmation that the email was sent, allows the prospect to respond to the sales rep, and enables the sales rep to forward the email to Salesforce for tracking.

September 2021

  • Member Custom Fields:
    • In Client Settings, you can now define Custom Fields to appear on the Edit Member screen.
    • On the Edit Member screen, you can now enter values into Custom Fields.
    • These custom fields can be rendered on Boards.
    • These custom fields are accessible via the API.
  • The remote video capture feature was enhanced to:
    • Convert videos into mp4 files so they play properly on any browser and can be downloaded. Different devices and browsers use different formats.
    • Provide a warning on very old browser versions that don’t support video capture.
  • On the Edit Prompt screen, you can upload an image, and then render that image on Boards. An example use case for this: You have a Board that presents opportunities for customers to engage with your company, the market, or their peers. You can now show a decorative image for each opportunity.

August 2021

  • Topics of Interest for Members:
    • In Client Settings, you can define a keyword list of Topics of Interest for which a Member might be interested in discussing or receiving information.
    • On the Edit Member screen, you can now specify Topics of Interest for Members.
    • The Member advanced filter lets you filter on Topics of Interest.
  • On the Requests tab, you can now search on any fields on the request, and filter the list of requests by date ranges based on the Request Create Date.
  • On the Stories tab, the advanced filter now lets you filter on Story Tags.
  • Member Groups:
    • You can now delete a Member when that Member is in a Member Group.
    • If you delete the last Member in a Member Group, it now asks if you would also like to delete the Member Group.
  • You can now delete Access Links on the Edit Board screen.
  • When you use the API endpoint to Create/Update Members and include Engagement Notes, the new text now appends to any text that already exists in the Engagement Notes field.

July 2021

  • There is a new Copy URL button for Stories on the Story tab.
  • When you have a Custom Domain defined in Client Settings, the View Board button will now open the board in a new tab using the Custom Domain.
  • You can now send a Prompt or Prompt Group to a Member Group.
  • Member Groups can now be deleted.
  • The API endpoints for GET and POST Stories now include Tags, Custom Story Label, Status, Captured Date, and Next Review Date.

June 2021

  • All emails sent by SlapFive for notifications and confirmations will now come from sender “” and sender label “SlapFive” unless you have set up the Custom Email Sending Domain feature. This avoids the likely situation of these emails getting blocked by anti-spoofing software.
  • Requests:
    • You can now archive old Requests. Simply check the Archived? field for any Request in the “Fulfilled” or “UnFulfilled” columns and it won’t appear in that column unless you check the “Include Archived” box at the top of the list.
    • For any Request in the “UnFulfilled” column, you can now add a Reason Unfulfilled code. This allows you to track reasons why a request went unfulfilled, such as if the prospect no longer needed it, the deal was lost, etc.
  • The Create/Update Customers API endpoint will now use the Salesforce Contact ID and Account ID values if passed to check to see if the SlapFive Member or Company, respectively, already exist. If the Contact ID is not matched or passed, it will then check for existing Member using Email Address. If the Account ID is not matched or passed, it will then check for existing Company using Company Name.
  • The Create Requests API endpoint now includes the ability to pass all the fields on the Request, so that it can now be used both for creating New Requests as well as uploading historical, Fulfilled Requests.

May 2021

  • On the Companies tab, you can click a Company name to see the new Engagement Dashboard for that Company. On this page, you can:
    • See the rolled up Engagement Score, Response Rate, and days since Last Activity for all Members from this Company.
    • See Engagement Notes and Permissions for the Company.
    • See the Activity History for all Members from this Company.
    • See Stories contributed by any Member from this Company.
    • See all Boards that contain at least one Story contributed by a Member from this Company.
  • Requests:
    • In Client Settings, there is a new field called “New Request Text Explanation”, and the text entered in this field will be displayed at the top of the New Request form. This can be used for things like giving instructions to the requester or explaining your SLA for working requests.
    • When reviewing Requests in the “New” or “In Progress” columns, the user can assign the Request to a particular user by selecting their user name in the “Assigned To” field. This field can also be specified on the New Request form when initiated from within SlapFive, but not when initiated from within Salesforce.
    • If a user assigns a Request to another user, that other user will receive a notification that a new Request has been assigned to them.
    • When a Request is dragged from the “New” or “In Progress” column to the “Fulfilled column”, and there is not already a Fulfilled Date selected, the user will be prompted to see if they want to use today’s date as the Fulfilled On Date. Similarly, if a Request is dragged from the “Fulfilled” column back to the “In Progress” or “New” column, the user will be prompted to see if they want to clear the Fulfilled On Date.
    • When a new Request is submitted, the requester will now receive a confirmation email.
    • In Client Settings, you can now define picklist values for a new field called Teams, and if values are defined, a new Team field will appear on the New Request form.
    • In Client Settings, you can now flag an Activity Type to “Include on Request Form”. When this field is checked, this Activity Type will now appear in the drop-down list for a new field on the New Request form called “Activity Type”. If no Activity Types are flagged with this field, the Activity Type field will not appear on the form. This field is used to allow the Requester or the Marketer to categorize Requests based on the type of activity that is being requested, such as “Take a Customer Reference Call” or “Host a Site Visit”.
  • Though we don’t recommend this behavior, it is now possible to set a Board so that the videos on that board continue to play when the viewer navigates to another tab in their browser.
  • You can now display a prompt’s “Create Date”, “Respond By Date”, and “Activity Granted on Response” field values on a board. These fields can be used to create a board that shows current advocacy opportunities that are available to members.
  • SlapFive API:
    • There are new endpoints to GET Board Share and Board View history. These will be used by the Revenue Influence Measurement feature.
    • There is a new endpoint to POST Stories, which can be used to upload existing content into SlapFive, especially links to case studies or press releases from the corporate website.
    • There is a new endpoint to POST Requests, which can be used to allow anyone from outside of SlapFive or Salesforce to submit a new Request using a simple form.

April 2021

  • The Remote Audio Capture feature has been re-implemented to record the audio locally on the responder’s device, and when the response is saved, the file is uploaded to SlapFive.
  • The Company advanced filter now lets you multi-select Company-level Permissions to filter the list of companies.
  • The Edit Member screen now has fields for Nominated By and Nominated Date. These fields can also be populated by your Nomination form.
  • The GET Requests API endpoint now allows a parameter of ?fulfillmentHoursBack=XX to only retrieve Requests with a Fulfilled On Date within that timeframe.

March 2021 - Version 3.0

  • Remote Video Capture:
    • This feature has been re-implemented to record the video locally on the responder’s device, and when the response is saved, the video file is uploaded to SlapFive. This eliminates the pixilation (AKA the “Monet Effect”) that could occur in the video from packet loss if the responder has a slow internet connection. It also eliminates the “Connecting” message at the beginning of the prompt response experience, and the “Processing” message after a video is recorded.
  • New Prompt and Story Types: Many of you want SlapFive to be your single place to manage all of your customer voice assets so you can make everything available to sales reps and other people who need access to all of your great content. To help you do this:
    • You can create Stories for existing web pages like Press Releases or Case Studies on your website. To do this, you create a Prompt with an Allowable Story Type of “Link”, and create Stories with Story Type of “Link” where you paste the URL. For example, you can create a Prompt called “Press Release” and create a Story for each press release on your website.
    • You can create Stories for files like Powerpoint slides and PDFs. To do this, you create a Prompt with Allowable Story Type of “File”, and create Stories with Story Type of “File” where you upload the file. For example, you can create a Prompt called “Customer Slide” and create a Story for each customer PowerPoint slide.
    • When Stories of type “Link” or “File” appear in a list of Stories, when you click the Preview button, it will take you directly to the linked page or open the file, respectively.
    • To help you give identifying names to the new “Link” and “File” type Stories, there is a new field on the Story that lets you enter a “Custom Story Label”.  For example, if you have 10 Stories that use the Prompt for “Press Release”, you can enter a Custom Story Label with the headline of the Press Release. When any story with a Custom Story Label appears in a list of Stories, it automatically displays the Custom Story Label in place of the Prompt Name.
  • Company enhancements: Many of you want to manage and track information, membership status, and permissions at a client Company level. To help you do this:
    • There is a separate tab for Companies. A Company can be created without a Member.
    • You can now track Company-level permissions, such as “Can use logo on our website” and “Referenceable”. In your Client Settings, you define your Company Permission Types, and then on the Company record, you select values of “Granted”, “Denied”, or “Unknown”.
    • There are new fields on the Company record for Member Status and Active Status to track where a Company stands in your customer program.
    • If you have a customer that has a legal restriction that you can’t use their company name under any circumstances, there is a new field for “Anonymized Company Name” that lets you enter a value such as “Global Pharmaceutical Company” to anonymize the company name.
    • There is an advanced filter on the Company list to search and filter on all fields.
  • Any user can be set to receive notifications of responses to both Direct and Open Prompts by checking the field on the User screen. Previously, only the sender of a Direct Prompt received a notification when a response came in.
  • integration:
    • You can now show embedded lists of Boards and Stories within a primary tab in Salesforce, or within a Related List on any object.
    • These embedded lists apply “Viewer” role access, so there is no ability to edit or delete the information.
    • When Salesforce users view these lists, they are authenticated with SSO so they don’t need to be set up as users of SlapFive.
    • Sales people can share boards and stories, and copy URLs.
    • When a Request is submitted from the Request References button on a Salesforce Opportunity record, it now adds the Opportunity ID to the Request record. This will be used for upcoming Influence Reporting.
  • It is now possible to restrict the viewing of certain boards to that only users who are authenticated to your network can view the board. This requires SSO integration with your identity provider.

February 2021

  • To make it easier to manage Member Company information, there is a separate tab for Companies. A Company can be created without a Member.
  • You can create a Custom Domain so that viewers of your board feel like they are on one of your web properties. When defined, boards render with a URL like… rather than…”, and when boards are shared or when you click the Copy URL button for a board, it generates the custom domain. See the setup instructions.
  • Requests:
    • When creating a new Request, you can override the Request Date.
    • After a Request is created, the marketer can edit the Request Date, Requested By, and Need By Date.
    • The “Tags” field was removed from the Request entry screen.
  • API:
    • There are new API endpoints for getting all Activity records and getting Activity records that have been created/edited in the last XX hours. This can be used for synching Activity History with or other apps.
    • There is a new API endpoint for getting all Requests. This can be used for exporting Requests history to a spreadsheet for analysis.
    • The API endpoints for getting all Boards and for getting all Boards that have been created/edited in the last XX hours now get the Board URL, Board Headline and Board Body fields. These are needed for those of you who are pushing Boards to Salesforce or your Sales Portal apps so you have more descriptive information for sales reps using the boards.
    • The API endpoints for getting Members and creating new members now have parameters for Membership Status, Engagement Note, Engagement Score, Last Engagement Date, and Matching Field 1, 2, and 3.
  • In Boards, you can now display a customer’s first name and last name separately. Previously you could only display the customer’s full name.

January 2021

  • To drive more customer-to-customer engagement, you can now create Board Groups so that when any one board in the group is being displayed, there is a list of Related Boards in the sidebar. As an example, this can be used if you have a “Topic of the Month” engagement tactic where you want to allow customers to share their perspective on an important topic in their field, and share the responses with all customers.

December 2020

  • Email addresses entered by a user or by someone responding to an open prompt are now saved as lower case regardless of how they are typed in. This helps reduce the chances of duplicate members being created since there is a case-sensitive check on email address to know whether to create a new member or update existing member.

November 2020

  • To better support integration with and apps built on the Salesforce platform, we have added a Salesforce ContactID field to the Member Contact, and a Salesforce AccountID to the Member Company. These fields are used by our APIs when sending information to Salesforce-based apps to connect that information to Salesforce Contacts and Accounts.
  • For the Member Type field, we have added new values for “Prospect” and “Former Client” to better able you to identify people in those roles relative to your company.
  • For the Membership Status field, we have added a new value for “Former Member” to designate people who have dropped out of your customer program, while allowing you to keep their content and history.
  • Enhancements to the Requests module:
    • You now have the ability to designate certain users to receive email notifications when new Requests are created from within SlapFive, Salesforce, or other points of origin. To enable this for a user, check the “Notify of New Requests” field on the user record.
    • A new Delete button has been added to the Edit Request screen to delete a request that is no longer needed.
    • The Create New Request window in Salesforce has been updated so the “Save” button is now “Submit”, and it is condensed to not require scrolling to see the Submit button.
  • You can automatically add new Stories that come in for a particular prompt to a specific board. To enable this, click the new “Auto Stories” tab on the Edit Board screen, and select the Prompts who’s responses you want to automatically be added to that board.
  • The following fields from the Member record can now be displayed on boards. These are used for building a member showcase page to promote your program participation within your company.
    • Last Activity Date
    • Activity Types Willing To Do
    • Engagement Score
    • Engagement Note
    • Member Status

October 2020

  • The new Virtual Minute Booth feature allows you to capture stories from attendees to your virtual events.
    • To support the Virtual Minute Booth, we have rebuilt the Remote Capture capabilities to allow your customers to respond to prompts using audio or video, right from their desktop webcam. This extends the previous capability to respond on a mobile phone.
    • This includes a new user interface for the responder that uses a wizard approach to step them through multiple prompts in a prompt group.
    • There is a new storyboard template for the “outer room” of the Virtual Minute Booth that lets your event attendees see how their peers have responded to the questions.
  • To create customized experiences for customers during the Remote Capture, we made these changes to Prompt Groups:
    • You can add a Video Explanation to a prompt group. It appears on the first screen of the Remote Capture wizard.
    • You can specify “Prompt Response Exit URL” and “Prompt Response Exit URL Text” on a prompt group to designate a specific web page or site that you want to re-direct people to after answering the questions in a prompt group. If specified, these values override the ones entered in Client Settings.
    • You can re-sequence prompts within a prompt group.
  • New storyboard templates make it easy to showcase multiple spokespeople from the same company on single-customer layouts.
  • There is a new API endpoint for creating Activity records. This can be used for importing Activity History from your legacy Reference Management app.

September 2020

  • The new Requests feature enables anyone to make a request for customer voice content or for customer participation in a reference activity:
    • There is a new primary menu tab labeled “Requests” that has a Kanban board of Requests with columns for New, In Progress, Fulfilled, and UnFulfilled, and users can drag and drop requests between those columns.
    • SlapFive users can create a new Request from this tab, and users can create a new request from the blocks on the Contact and Opportunity records.
    • Users can review requests, update them, and fulfill them by attaching one or more boards or one or more members.
    • When members are attached during fulfillment, activities are automatically created for those members.
  • On the Send Prompt screen, there is a new advanced filter button that lets you subset the list of members by filtering on any of the fields on the member contact and company screen, including the Activity Types Willing to Do.

August 2020

  • On the Members tab, there is a new advanced filter button that lets you subset the list by filtering on any of the fields on the member contact and company screen, including the Activity Types Willing to Do.
  • On the Prompts tab, in the list of prompts, there is a new column that shows the number of stories that exist for that prompt. This helps you make sure you are getting maximum reuse of prompts and avoid unnecessary prompt proliferation.
  • On the Edit Boards screen, Stories tab, the drop region for the Selected Stories column has been increased in size to make it easier to drag and drop stories on the board.

July 2020

  • On the Members tab, the Twitter Handle column has been replaced with columns for Engagement Score and Last Activity date. The member list can be sorted by Engagement Score.

June 2020

  • The integration with puts a new custom block on the Account and Opportunity records that:
    • Displays recommended boards for that Opportunity/Account to the user based on Matching Criteria.
    • In the integration configuration, your admin specifies 1, 2, or 3 fields from the Account record to match to corresponding new fields on the Member Company in SlapFive.
    • The user can click the View All button to deactivate the matching criteria and show all boards that have a custom field value indicating they should appear in, and can Search within the result set.
    • The user can click the Request Reference button to submit a Request for content or customer references to SlapFive.
    • The user can share a board by selecting Contacts associated with the Opportunity, or by typing in names and email addresses, and SlapFive tracks the sharing activity and viewing history.
    • Each of the buttons and Search field are configurable to appear nor not appear depending on your needs.
  • The API now has an endpoint for creating Activities for members.
  • The Sent Prompts & Responses screen has been improved to show more complete data and action buttons for sent prompts that have responses.

May 2020

  • On the open prompt response screen where the responder enters their identifying information, the Submit button is now the Next button.

April 2020

  • The API now allows you to add a Member to a Member Group.
  • Several screen changes were made to the prompt response screens for clarity and usability.

February 2020

  • The Advanced Filter for Stories now lets you filter on Transcription text.
  • For any Board that is set to Require Access Link, you can set a Forced Expiration Duration (in Days). If a number is entered into this field, whenever this board is shared, the sharer will see but will not be able to change the Board Link Expires, which will show the calculated expiration date by adding the number of days entered to the share date.
  • Fixes were made to improve the audio and video controls when rendered in Microsoft Explorer and Edge browsers.

January 2020

  • When you send an Open Prompt Group, the responder now only has to specify their Name, Email Address, and Company once, not for each prompt in the group.
  • The API was updated to handle Member Status field and Activity Types Willing to Do.
  • On the Membership tab, there is a new sub-tab for Nominated, so you can track potential members who have been nominated by others.

December 2019 - Version 2.0

  • We changed the term “Customer” to “Member” to represent that fact that participants in your programs can be clients, employees (sales, executives), industry thought leaders, partners, etc. Accordingly, the “Customers” tab is now labeled “Membership”, with new sub-tabs for Members, Invited, and Targets.
  • In your Client Settings, you can define the Activity Types that you offer members to participate in when they join your program, and you can give each Activity Type an Engagement Score to represent the level of engagement that activity represents relative to other activities.
  • For each member, you can now specify that member’s Activity Types Willing to Do, and create forms using any form-builder app to allow members to select their own Activity Types Willing to Do.
  • You can now track the activities that your members participate in, logging the Date, Activity Type, and any Notes you’d like to enter.
  • There is a new primary tab called Activities that shows all the activities your customers have done.
  • On your SlapFive homepage, there is a summary view of the most Recent Activities.
  • On the Members tab, you can click a member name to see the new Engagement Dashboard for that member. On this page, you can:
    • Toggle the Member Status between Active, Paused, and Inactive.
    • Log an Engagement Note to remind yourself or others of any special circumstances affecting this member’s participation in your program.
    • See the member’s Engagement Score, Response Rate, days since Last Activity.
    • See the Activity History for this member and log a new Activity.
  • By sending Prompts, you can offer Members opportunities to engage in activities.
  • On a Prompt, you can specify an Activity Granted on Response if you’d like to automatically log an activity for any member who responds to this prompt.
  • On a Board, you can specify to Grant Activity on View if you’d like to log an Activity for any member who you share a board with and who subsequently views that board.
