Set up Zapier to integrate SlapFive with other apps

Set up Zapier to integrate SlapFive with other apps

In addition to the direct point-to-point integrations that SlapFive has with many other apps, we have a Zapier Integration that makes it simple to automate the capture of data in SlapFive, and to sync SlapFive data with apps like Salesforce, Gainsight, Highspot, Seismic, Google Forms, and Smartsheets.

When creating a Zap trigger or action, search for SlapFive in the “Search apps…” field.

Types of Zaps

Post new Members to SlapFive from a Form
Synchronize changes to an Account record in Salesforce with the corresponding Company record in SlapFive
Synchronize changes to Contact record in Salesforce with the corresponding Member record in SlapFive
Synchronize changes to a Member record in SlapFive with the corresponding Contact record in Salesforce
Synchronize changes to a Company record in SlapFive with the corresponding Account record in Salesforce
Post Activity records created in SlapFive to the corresponding Contact and Account records in Salesforce

Post new Members to SlapFive from a Form

This Zap can be used for Nomination Forms that allow anyone in your company to nominate customers for your program, or for Invitation Forms in which you invite customers to your program and let them select the types of activities they like to do.


  1. Create the Trigger:
    1. On the 1. Trigger screen, name your Zap in the upper left, then in the Search apps… box, search for your form-building app, such as Google Sheets or Smartsheet, and select it.
    2. In the Choose an event box, select the form-building app’s Trigger Event that represents a new form fill or survey response and click Continue.
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for your form-building app or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up trigger screen, select the form or sheet that contains your data and click Continue.
    5. Click the Test trigger button to pull some data into the Zap so you can test it all the way through, then click Continue.
  2. Create the Action:
    1. On the 2. Action screen, search for SlapFive and select it.
    2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Create or Update Customer, and click Continue
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for SlapFive or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up action screen, you will see a list of all the SlapFive fields for a customer. Click within the box under each SlapFive field to select the form/survey field that you want to map to it. See the help text under each box for more information about that field, and the required fields are noted. When done mapping, click Continue.
    5. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to test the Zap.
    6. Go into SlapFive to verify that the new Member was created properly.

Synchronize changes to an Account record in Salesforce with the corresponding Company record in SlapFive

This Zap can be used to keep SlapFive Company records up to date when changes are made to a member’s Account record in Salesforce.


  1. Create the Trigger:
    1. On the 1. Trigger screen, name your Zap in the upper left, then in the Search apps… box, search for Salesforce, and select it.
    2. In the Choose an event box, select Updated Field on Record and click Continue.
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for your Salesforce org or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up trigger screen, select the Salesforce Account object and click Continue.
    5. Click the Test trigger button to pull some data into the Zap so you can test it all the way through, then click Continue.
  2. Create the Action:
    1. On the 2. Action screen, search for SlapFive and select it.
    2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Create or Update Company, and click Continue
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for SlapFive or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up action screen, you will see a list of all the SlapFive fields for a customer’s Company record. Click within the box under each SlapFive field to select the Salesforce field that you want to map to it. See the help text under each box for more information about that field, and the required fields are noted. When done mapping, click Continue.
    5. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to test the Zap.
    6. Go into SlapFive to verify that the customer’s Company record was updated properly.

Synchronize changes to Contact record in Salesforce with the corresponding Member record in SlapFive

This Zap can be used to keep SlapFive Member records up to date when changes are made to that member’s Contact record in Salesforce.


  1. Create the Trigger:
    1. On the 1. Trigger screen, name your Zap in the upper left, then in the Search apps… box, search for Salesforce, and select it.
    2. In the Choose an event box, select Updated Field on Record and click Continue.
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for your Salesforce org or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up trigger screen, select the Salesforce Contact object and click Continue.
    5. Click the Test trigger button to pull some data into the Zap so you can test it all the way through, then click Continue.
  2. Create the Action:
    1. On the 2. Action screen, search for SlapFive and select it.
    2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Create or Update Customer, and click Continue
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for SlapFive or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up action screen, you will see a list of all the SlapFive fields for a customer’s Member and Company records. Click within the box under each SlapFive field to select the Salesforce field that you want to map to it. See the help text under each box for more information about that field, and the required fields are noted. When done mapping, click Continue.
    5. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to test the Zap.
    6. Go into SlapFive to verify that the customer’s Member record was updated properly.

Synchronize changes to a Member record in SlapFive with the corresponding Contact record in Salesforce

This Zap can be used to keep Salesforce Contact records up to date when changes are made to a Member record in SlapFive.


  1. Create the Trigger:
    1. On the 1. Trigger screen, name your Zap in the upper left, then in the Search apps… box, search for SlapFive, and select it.
    2. In the Choose an event box, select New or Changed Customer and click Continue.
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for your SlapFive instance or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up trigger screen, in the SlapFive Instance field, enter the name of your SlapFive instance, in the Hours Back field, enter 1 and click Continue.
    5. Click the Test trigger button to pull some data into the Zap so you can test it all the way through, then click Continue. For a record to show, you will need to have made a change to a SlapFive Member within the last hour.
  2. Create the Action step to get all the Member fields for the Customer so you can send them to Salesforce.
    1. On the 2. Action screen, search for SlapFive and select it.
    2. On the Choose app & event screen, in the Action Event box, click Get Customer Details, and click Continue
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for SlapFive or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up action screen, in the SlapFive Instance field, enter the name of your SlapFive instance, and in the SlapFive Member ID field, select 1. SlapFive Member ID: … and click Continue.
    5. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to make sure that the record is found for the SlapFive Member you are using to test this Zap.
  3. Create the Action step to look up the Salesforce Contact ID.
    1. On the 3. Action screen, search for Salesforce and select it.
    2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Find Record, and click Continue
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for Salesforce or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up action screen, in the Salesforce Object field, select Contact, and in the Field to Search By field, select Email. In the Search Value field, select the 1. Email: (your test Member’s email address) field and click Continue.
    5. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to make sure that the Salesforce Contact record is found for the SlapFive Member you are using to test this Zap.
  4. Create the Action step to update the Salesforce Contact:
    1. On the 4. Action screen (or the 3. Action screen if you skipped the previous Action step to look up the Salesforce Contact ID), search for Salesforce and select it.
    2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Update Record, and click Continue
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for Salesforce or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up action screen, in the Salesforce Object field, select Contact, and in the Record to Update field, click the Custom tab and then select the 2. ID field.
    5. The Set up action screen will refresh to show a list of all the Salesforce Contact fields. For any fields you want to sync, click within the box under the Salesforce field to select the SlapFive Member field that you want to map to it, or enter a hard-coded value if that’s the update you are looking to make. When done mapping, click Continue
    6. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to test the Zap.
    7. Go into Salesforce to verify that the Contact record was updated properly.

Synchronize changes to a Company record in SlapFive with the corresponding Account record in Salesforce

This Zap can be used to keep Salesforce Account records up to date when changes are made to a member’s Company record in SlapFive.


  1. Create the Trigger:
    1. On the 1. Trigger screen, name your Zap in the upper left, then in the Search apps… box, search for SlapFive, and select it.
    2. In the Choose an event box, select New or Changed Company and click Continue.
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for your SlapFive instance or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up trigger screen, in the SlapFive Instance field, enter the name of your SlapFive instance, in the Hours Back field, enter 1 and click Continue.
    5. Click the Test trigger button to pull some data into the Zap so you can test it all the way through, then click Continue. For a record to show, you will need to have made a change to a SlapFive Company within the last hour.
  2. Create the Action step to look up the Salesforce Account ID. You can skip this step if you store Salesforce Account ID on your SlapFive Company records.
    1. On the 2. Action screen, search for Salesforce and select it.
    2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Find Record, and click Continue
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for Salesforce or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up action screen, in the Salesforce Object field, select Account, and in the Field to Search By field, select Account Name. In the Search Value field, select the 1. Name: (your test Company name) field and click Continue.
    5. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to make sure that the Salesforce Account record is found for the SlapFive Company you are using to test this Zap..
  3. Create the Action:
    1. On the 3. Action screen (or the 2. Action screen if you skipped the previous Action step to look up the Salesforce Account ID), search for Salesforce and select it.
    2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Update Record, and click Continue
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for Salesforce or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up action screen, in the Salesforce Object field, select Account, and in the Record to Update field, click the Custom tab and then select the 2. ID field (or the 1. Salesforce Account ID field if you skipped the previous Action step to look up the Salesforce Account ID).
    5. The Set up action screen will refresh to show a list of all the Salesforce Account fields. For any fields you want to sync, click within the box under the Salesforce field to select the SlapFive Company field that you want to map to it. When done mapping, click Continue
    6. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to test the Zap.
    7. Go into Salesforce to verify that the Account record was updated properly.

NOTE: If you are looking to sync changes made to Company Permissions in SlapFive with the Salesforce Account, you will most likely need one or more Transform action steps in the Zap. For example, you have a Referenceable? field on the Account that you want to set to Yes when the Referenceable Permission on the SlapFive Company is set to Granted. You will need:

  1. An Action step that uses Formatter by Zapier’s Utility event called Line-item to Text to turn the input field 1. Company Permissions Company Permission Name: Referenceable,… into a separate field for each SlapFive Permission.
  2. An Action step for each SlapFive Permission that uses Formatter by Zapier’s Text event called Replace to replace the phrase Referenceable with Yes.
  3. In the final Action step that updates the Salesforce Account, map the separate field for Referenceable that now stores Yes to the Salesforce Account field called Referenceable?

Post Activity records created in SlapFive to the corresponding Contact and Account records in Salesforce

This Zap can be used to keep post Activities that are performed by your customers and captured in SlapFive as Activity (Event) records on the corresponding Salesforce Contact and Account records.


  1. Create the Trigger:
    1. On the 1. Trigger screen, name your Zap in the upper left, then in the Search apps… box, search for SlapFive, and select it.
    2. In the Choose an event box, select New or Changed Activity and click Continue.
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for your SlapFive instance or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up trigger screen, in the SlapFive Instance field, enter the name of your SlapFive instance, in the Hours Back field, enter 1 and click Continue.
    5. Click the Test trigger button to pull some data into the Zap so you can test it all the way through, then click Continue. For a record to show, you will need to have created or updated a SlapFive Activity within the last hour.
  2. Create the Action step to look up the Salesforce Contact ID and Account ID for the customer who performed the Activity.
    1. On the 2. Action screen, search for Salesforce and select it.
    2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Find Record, and click Continue
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for Salesforce or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. On the Set up action screen, in the Salesforce Object field, select Contact, and in the Field to Search By field, select Email. In the Search Value field, select the 1. Customer Email: (your test customer’s email address) field and click Continue.
    5. On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to make sure that the Salesforce Contact record is found for the customer who performed the SlapFive Activity you are using to test this Zap. You should see fields for id: (the Contact ID), and AccountId: (the Account ID).
  3. Create the Action:
    1. On the 3. Action screen, search for Salesforce and select it.
    2. On the Choose app & event screen, click in the Choose an event box, select Create Record, and click Continue
    3. On the Choose account screen, select an existing Connected Account for Salesforce or create a new one and click Continue.
    4. The Set up action screen will show a list of all the Salesforce Event fields. For any fields you want to sync, click within the box under the Salesforce field to select the SlapFive Activity or other appropriate field that you want to map to it. When done mapping, click Continue.
      1. In the Salesforce Object field, select Event.
      2. In the Name field, select the 2. ID field.
      3. In the Related To field, select the 2. Account ID: field.
      4. In the Subject field, select the 1. Activity Type Name: field.
      5. In the Start Date Time and End Date Time fields, select the 1. Date Time: field.
      6. In the Description field, select the 1. Notes: field.
      7. In the Type and Meeting Activity fields, select the desired values from the picklists.
    5. The Set up action screen On the Test action screen, click Test & Review to test the Zap.
    6. Go into Salesforce to verify that the Salesforce Activity records are shown properly on both the Account and Contact records for the customer who performed the SlapFive Activity.
