1. Log in to SlapFive as Admin, and go to your Client Settings. This can be found clicking the drop-down settings menu, and selecting the menu item that begins with your company name, followed by Settings.
2. In the “Custom Email Sending Domain” field, enter a new subdomain for your domain using “s5sender” as the subdomain, and then click “Create Custom Domain” and click “Save” to save your Client Settings.
For example, if your email addresses end in “@acme.com”, enter “s5sender.acme.com”.
If your email addresses end in “@us.acme.com”, enter “s5sender.us.acme.com.
Don’t worry, this subdomain is not visible to anyone and is used only for DNS configuration.
3. Go back into your Client Settings and scroll down to the Custom Email Sending Domain section. Now you will see the two new DNS TXT records that need to be added for your domain. Copy and paste the “Host Name” and “Enter This Value” strings, and give to your Email/DNS administrator to add these records. It may take up to an hour for the new DNS records to propagate across the internet.
4. Many email servers also require there to be a DNS record for the subdomain “s5sender.your_company.com”. So have your Email/DNS administrator create a third DNS record using these fields:
Name: s5sender.your_company.com
Value: mailgun.org
5. After creating these new DNS TXT records, return to your Client Settings and press the “Verify SPF/DKIM” button. If you see the red X’s replaced by green check marks for both TXT records, they are set up correctly and SlapFive will start sending emails from your email addresses. If you don’t get green checkboxes, then you should verify that you’ve set your TXT records up correctly.
Don’t forget to test it out by sending a few prompts or boards to a non-work email address of yours or to a friend, and make sure that the sending information on the emails looks just like it does if you had sent it from your own email client.