Powered by AI
You get your own AI language library that we train with your content, which you use to generate new customer voice assets in any format, length, or tone. Powered by AI, you can identify potential advocates wherever they make positive remarks, and match the right content and customers to advocacy opportunities.
Match the most relevant customer content to prospects right from a Salesforce Opportunity
Content is recommended based on any matching criteria between customers and the prospect, including:
- Demographic information like Industry, Region, and Company Size.
- Product families and products owned and used by the customer.
- Use cases and manners in which customers have applied your solution.
Generate written customer content in any format
- Let AI write case studies, blogs, social media posts, or customer summaries.
- SlapFive provides best practice prompt templates to shorten your learning curve.
- Start from a SlapFive Board to focus the story on the content captured on that Board.
- Save your own favorite prompts as templates.
Identify potential advocates from internal and external customer dialogue
- Listen for positive customer comments in social media posts, survey responses, customer support tickets, and SlapFive prompt responses.
- Add those customers and their comments to a Campaign.
- Communicate with those not already in your program about the benefits of joining.
Get started with using AI to write case studies with CaseStudyBot.ai
- Select from CaseStudyBot.ai‘s pre-defined story structures such as: Hero Story, Competitive Replacement, Expansion, New Product Launch, and Change Management.
- Provide an interview transcript or summary of how a customer is using your solution.
- Tell it the audience to address and the tone of voice to use.
- Have your story told in the first-person customer voice or third-person narrator.
- Make multiple revisions until the bot gets it right.
- Save your output as input for future stories.